Welcome to Nature's Garden Seed Company
Nothing is more precious than an everlasting gift of nature. Nature’s Garden Seed Company is proud to offer a distinctive line of high quality products inspired by nature that will allow you to give, or enjoy for yourself, the everlasting gift of nature - of flowers, butterflies, hummingbirds and bumblebees, year after year.
At Nature’s Garden Seed Company, we care about our customers and our environment. Our products are unconditionally guaranteed and produced in the most ecologically sensitive manner possible.
Why Native Plants Are Important
Native plants are a fundamental component of biological diversity. Their flowers, fruits and foliage are an important source of food and shelter for a wide variety of wildlife from microorganisms to insects, birds and mammals.
Native plants are extremely hardy, having adapted over time to local climatic extremes. They are also much more resistant to disease and pests than introduced plants.
Growing Your Own Native Plants
Propagating native plants is a very rewarding experience. In the past, it was common for people to dig up native plants and bulbs in the wild to plant in their gardens. This practice not only disrupts natural areas, but has also caused some species to become nearly extinct. To enjoy native plants in your own garden, grow them from seed or buy them from a reputable nursery. When planted in suitable habitats, native plants will last for many years with minimum care.